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CardName: Uncontrolled Levitation Cost: 2U Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Untap all permanents during each untap step. Flavour Text: Twilight tried thinking about bowling balls on rubber sheets. It didn’t help. Set/Rarity: FICG: Equestria Girls Uncommon

Uncontrolled Levitation
Untap all permanents during each untap step.
Twilight tried thinking about bowling balls on rubber sheets. It didn’t help.
Illus. Legend of Everfree
Updated on 04 Jan 2020 by Alex


Active?: false


2020-01-04 23:39:48: Alex edited Uncontrolled Levitation:

deactivate. it's a pity, but blue uncommon 3-drops are really squeezed, and this doesn't have such a strong tie to flavour or mechanical themes as most of the others

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