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CardName: Lava Blast Cost: x1r Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Lava Blast deals X unpreventable overflow damage to target creature or player. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Hus Werny 火山 Uncommon

Lava Blast
Lava Blast deals X unpreventable overflow damage to target creature or player.
Updated on 25 May 2017 by amuseum


History: [-]

2017-05-21 20:24:58: amuseum created the card Lava Blast

cue reminder text?

Those aren't in this set's mechanics page. So yeah. Unpreventable can be plain-english (like indestructible was for a while) but 'overflow'? I'm guessing 'trample?' alike?

amuseum has their own list of new terminology they use in all their sets. amuseum isn't convinced by Wizards's "too much terminology is confusing for new players" argument, so they use lots and lots of new words. They... huh. I thought they mentioned them over at Introducing new Wording, but it seems not.

These terms are already confusing us (hobbyist card designers) so I would say new players have even less of a chance. How would including reminder text be harmful for this design?

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