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UNADVISABLE : An overcomplicated black-border set for all the cards that could have been - but shouldn’t have been. Designed to be playable alongside all other sets, and be nearly functional in all formats, UNADVISABLE is still utter shit. If your match doesn’t require a judge to intervene, then you aren’t playing yet.

New Creature Types to be played around with, Use sparingly and tongue well implanted in cheek. > Farm-welder, Mage-smith, Boyfriend,

Heavy emphasis on ‘advisor’ creature subtypes (and SUPERTYPES), more to come. Bottom-deck milling procedures ‘branstorms’

Other Themes: Spiders and spider tokens, Skeletons, obnoxious commanders Probably more of those shitty Eldrazi, they're bad and thats great. Phyrexian everything.