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"Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever," is my latest and most complete attempt at creating a "full" releasable set - meaning that it contains a good number of cards; with good ratios of commons, uncommons, rares (and mythics) with a top down design that befits flavor first. This idea tends to water-down the overall power level of cards as such that if it where to see print it would not impact wallets as much as current Standard decks have. This set was specifically designed after that to be an EDH and Limited set, with constructed cards being those cards that won't have to cost an arm and a leg to acquire.

However, as mentioned the biggest thing about this set is its top-down approach in dealing with the Flavor of the Homelands story; and were it last left off in, well, Homelands. The Baron is mustering his forces to march through the dwarven gate. The protectors and people of Ulgrotha are slowly crumbling before the darkness as the Baron force feeds the portal mana. The once noble Wizards School (formally U/w) is slowly being taken over by the Baron (U/b/-w) and the once great Aseyan Abbey and its powerful protectors are growing older and less powerful as the spirit of their faith wanes. Autumn Mother and her ilk (Green, G/w) are also feeling the pressure as the Baron's dark magic breeds monstrosities designed to combat the shrouded forests. The Anaba see the conflicts but remain in the arid portions safe from the vampiric scourge thanks to their fire magic; through the Baron sees nothing of them but beasts that need not be conquered at the moment. The mountain bandits, and Eron and his goblin-kin are unpressured to do anything but what they've always done - plunder and raid. Lastly, the once-proud Dwarf population is nearing the edge of its existence, its last King mad with grief and desire for revenge has openly challenged the Baron to bring his armies to his [dwarf king's] doors for some cataclysmic dwarven-rage final battle. Though, the paltry few dwarves whom remain are no match for Sengir's hordes; their King leads them to battle, and oblivion anyway.

I've neglected to include any new keywords, focuses on keen interactions in cards themselves in a hope to design a set that is fun to draft with; while retaining enough good card stock to have a nice number of possible candidates for EDH, Type 4, Cube and other high-fun formats. And while some of the cards may seem to find a home in a Standard, Modern, Legacy, or Vintage deck, the scope of that is minimal, I hope. A few cards yes, but not massive quantities of cards like recent sets whom are "bomb"-tastic for constructed formats.

Lastly, I've specifically moderated the power levels of this set, nothing I hope, is "strictly' better then other existing cards, just another option of the same perceived power level; or a different interaction into the game itself.

And, if the name isn't clear, it does not translate into Darkness is Defeated Forever. There is no good guy winning in this scenario, there is no plucky adventurer saving the day, no ragtag band of do-gooders defeat the Baron and his horde, no lucky Time Lord and his traveling companion, none of that. "Evil triumphs, and the universe will be better for it." - Nicol Bolas, circa pre-dragon wars.

{what a mess these few paragraphs are, oops.}