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Below is the link to the current text build for Zaberoth, which you can upload into MWS as a custom set. There's also a link to a zip file, which contains ZAB "full pics" to go with it. Be warned: about 95% of the art on those card images is recycled from existing cards (which may or may not be confusing/distracting - so only grab this if you really like looking at full pics when using MWS).

Zaberoth MWS (build 1.11)

Zaberoth Full Pics - currently down

Note: Sealed pools generated through MWS will have twice the normal number of mythics in them, because MWS doesn't recognize that rarity correctly. If you want a more realistic rare spread, generate boosters through this site, taking note of just the rares, and replace whatever rares you got in MWS. It's a little inconvenient, but the best fix I can think of.

SECOND NOTE! I crashed my old computer, so I currently don't have access to the random obscure .exe I used to make custom NetDraft files with. I couldn't recover it, so I'm still looking for it on the vast Internet - eventually we'll hopefully be able to create an .nd file for use in test drafts. In the meantime, just go test Sealed or something, I guess. (Thanks for your patience!)