CardName: Not an issue with multiverse Cost: Type: But custom card sites - In general Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It annoys me that only the most unbalanced cards generate conversation. If you post a card that seems alright, could see play, is fun and interesting but requires no feedback because it's balanced, then you don't comment Flavour Text: And then nobody will bump the card thread and it'll just fade away into the database. Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: What does the CI checkbox do? Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I haven't created a card in a while, what does the new CI checkbox do? Thanks in advance :) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: new legendary borders Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: if we are getting them, when are we getting them? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: "Hide flavour text" button Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: SFletcher suggests a switch to make flavor text visible/invisible. This would allow us to look at a card's rules text alone for reviewing clutter. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Ability to see past user posts Cost: W Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It would be pretty cool if there was an option to see all of the posts I have made in the past so I can go check where I commented rather than having to remember everywhere I made a comment. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Auto-detect existing card names Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It'd be nice to automatically tell people when they're specifying a card name that's already been used by Wizards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Better display for Fuse Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: People want to make split cards with Fuse. It doesn't come out looking very good at the moment. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Can't view large sets Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If cardsets are too large, say for around 700 cards, I can't view them, instead Application Error shows up. This happens whether I use either visual spoiler or cardlist. Can you help me find a way to allow me to view a large cardset without experiencing problems or the Application Error? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Basic CardName: Card covers comments Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Whenever I try to make a comment on a card, it covers the comments. Can you remove the fixed_inner class from card_fixed_wrapper_inner? That seems to solve the issue. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Card links are case-sensitive Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I recommend making it not case-sensitive. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Card-to-card navigation Cost: w Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Having a next/previous card to navigate within the cards of a set would be a real nifty feature. Currently you have to go back to the cardlist to load a different card even if you intend to browse through the set. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Command-line import Cost: W Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I would want to be able to use curl to import, rather than using the HTML interface. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Comments on skeleton page Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If I'm using a skeleton, then it's basically the main landing page for that set for me. Except I have to jump back to the other view to see comments. It would be nice to see a snippet of the last comment on each card; the red/yellow/white comment will take care of letting me find new ones. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Copy mechanics between cardsets Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It'd be nice if multiple cardsets could share a mechanic. Particularly obvious for several sets in the same block. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Details page for cardset edit guidance Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Add a special details page title which will get embedded by the side of that cardset's create/edit card form. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Different symbols for DFC day/night Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Magic Origins is bringing DFCs with a different symbol at the top-left of each card. I should allow that too. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Don't show planeswalker P+T Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Don't display power on planeswalkers even when entered. (So we don't get confusing loyalties like 1/3.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Edit from card preview Cost: w Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Can an "edit this card" link be added next to "Link to this card"? Currently you can only edit starting from the cardlist page or the card's individual page. This would make working from the Skeleton/visual spoiler a lo easier. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Em Dash Cost: Type: Suggestion Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Any way we can add a shorthand for em dashes? En dashes are possible - like this - but there's no way to make em dashes. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Email address case sensitive?! Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I couldn't log in because it was treating my email as case-sensitive (and I was typing it all lower casE) Is that sensible? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Filter for Booster Cost: W Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I want to be able to use only cards currently in my skeleton to create booster packs rather than the whole cardlist. AND/OR Mark cards in the cardlist as *outdated*, *archieved* or simply *inactive* - and allow easier toggling of active status. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Full card images too large Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: They don't seem to be space constrained, and happily overlap the comments, links, and everything else. It seems like they should be scaled to fit in the provided space and maybe zoom to full when clicked on instead. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Importing Mechanics Cost: W Type: Feature/Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Wanted: A quick way to import the existing keywords into a set so you can also see them on the mechanics page. Flavour Text: "There's no easy way to import Wizards mechanics into your cardset, but that's a good idea. Create an enhancement and I'll try to get that done." —Alex Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Keyword popup Cost: w Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Allow keyword popup instead of expanding reminder text. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Lowercase Keywords Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: This is another on that may be fairly simple. Although, again, I'm not a coder. I think a way to detect lower case keywords without creating a duplicate keyword. I, for one, have several cards that have to capitalized keywords on one line -example in comments-. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Make comments by admin default addressed Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Provide a cardset option to let the default addressed-ness status for comments by the cardset owner to be different to the default status for other comments. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Make more pages mobile-friendly Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I've just made several key pages look better on mobile, including recent changes, advanced search, and individual card view. But more need to be fixed for mobile, especially cardset front page and visual spoiler. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Make rollovers better on mobile Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Most mobile devices can't even do rollover very easily. But even if you tap-and-hold, the tooltip comes up in inconsistent places, and not at all if the cardname is split across lines. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: More control over search results Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Sometimes people want more or different columns in their search results. I should make assorted columns visible with a checkbox-type toggle, like on the cardlist. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Moveable slot notes for skeleton Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Don't know what else to call them; but it would be nice for the skeleton to be more flexible, and easier to do things like "I know I need a giant growth-like effect" which can be on a list of 'this needs to slot in somewhere' or currently associated to one slot of the skeleton, or moved to another, as the cards change. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Multiple boosters Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Actually, what I'd really like is to get the approximate numbers for contact sheets - one of each of the rares/mythics, random selection of foils and whatever rounds it out for common/uncommon. You can get it by hitting 'booster' a lot of times, but being able to get it in one go would be nice. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: New site name Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Multiverse may be moving to its own domain, and multiverse.[com|net|org] are taken. It might be a good time to change the site's name, but to what? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Numbered comments Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: "Addressing a comment a couple up" "Addressing X's third comment"... Re: Comment #6 would be simpler. Flavour Text: (Eventually, maybe, we'll need multiple pages for comments on particular busy pages) Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Old Artifact Colour Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: How hard would it be to add in the old school brown artifact colour to the colour options? I have always preferred it to the new artifact colouring and wish it had never been changed. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Position of tooltips in small window Cost: W Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I'm not sure if this is just me, but when my browser window is the wrong size (say, just fractionally less than the height of a preview), the preview tends to bottom-align with the link, but aligning with the top to the top of the window would be more visible. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Reminder text for keyword mentions Cost: W Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It'd be nice to have a macro which allows: "Target creature gains Flying until end of turn. (It can't be blocked except by creatures with Flying or Reach)" Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Return to dropdowns after saying Custom Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If you select "Custom" in the Supertype or Watermark drop-down lists, that converts the drop-down to a free text entry field; but there's no way to return to the drop-down (apart from refreshing or clicking save-then-edit). Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Return to previous page after login Cost: {W} Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Not sure how feasible this is, but: if you're viewing a card, not signed in, and then you sign in, it'd be nice to return to the card you were viewing rather than be taken to the homepage. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Search for C12345 should work Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If a card ID is pasted into the quicksearch box, and no sensible hits are found on the other search terms, I should go straight to the card. Quicksearch for C12345 should go straight there automatically. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Support "active" status better Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Currently, the Visual Spoiler includes non-active cards, and the cardlist includes them by default too. I should let cardset owners specify how non-active cards are treated. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Support * cardnames Cost: {W} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I don't know where the conention comes from; MTGO or somewhere else - but people keep entering 'existing cardname*' to indicate a reprint. may as well do something with it - initial comment linking to original card maybe hide the star? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Visual spoiler variant of "Recent updates" Cost: Type: Interface suggestion Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Could we get a visual spoiler like page of the recent X updates, where the newest card of recently modified sets could be seen? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Warn if about to lose unposted comment Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If you've typed a bunch of text in a comment box, but then click "Edit card" or some other link, the comment isn't posted. I could make Multiverse warn you about the unposted comment, like Stack Exchange sites do. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: a thing thats bothered me since i joined Cost: w Type: Token Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Choosing the token supertype doesn't change the border, but choosing the token rarity does. I'd like if the supertype would also change the border, if that's possible please. For consistency. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: move from edit/skeleton Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Can there be "move" links on the Cardlist and edit pages, for when you change your mind while there? There should probably have a note about whether moving saves edits or not. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: put "add mechanics" link higher on page Cost: w Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Currently you have to scroll down the mechanics page to add a mechanic. While normal set rarely have enough mechanics for it to be relevant, it seems more useful for the link to be on top of the page rather than at the bottom. Personally I keep hitting the "new card" link... Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: "Stuff for me" notifications Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Alert people, possibly a la StackOverflow, to - Comments on content they own (cards, sets) - Comments on cards they've commented on - Comments directed @TheirUsername ...with disabling options Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Ability to print a selection of cards Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Account recovery Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: -sign up confirmation email -"forgot my password" prompt Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Additional Info in the Export Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Any chance to add set-mechanics to the stuff that can be exported in a comfortable XML or JSON? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Allow Custom Symbols Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Allow us to specify small symbols/icons to be included on cards. If we were creating our own mana symbols like snow {S} or Phyrexian mana {PW}, at the moment we couldn't have those images display on cards at all. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Allow comments on more pages Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It would be nice to be able to comment on more "set" pages than only the set itself. Mechanics (maybe even allow commenting on individual mechanics), skeletons, and extra pages would be nice to comment on. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Allow loyalty symbols in comments Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Symbols such as [-2] don't display as loyalty symbols in comments, unlike symbols such as {R} or {C}. It would be a nice touch if they did. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Allow only owner to "grant admin privileges" Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Disallow non-owners to alter the "grant admin privileges" option, even if they have been granted admin privileges and are allowed to change all of the other options. (Otherwise, a non-owner who sets this option will not be able to reverse this change, and if the owner is not available then they cannot fix it.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Allow sorting on the cardsets page Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Although you can reorder the list of cardset that is generated when searching, you cannot reorder the list of all cardsets, which I think would be nice, e.g. to reorder it by number of cards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Alternate Colored Mana and Frame Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Especially Purple Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: BNF tie-in Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If you're stuck for card ideas, there should be a link to And maybe, on that page, there should be a link for "Create this card into the multiverse" Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Backlink detection, "What links here" Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I probably ought to not be lazy; and when I mash a card, I ought to put "Mashed up into ..." as a comment. But I don't. Could these backlinks be detected and linked on cards? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Bookmarking Sets Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I know I can already do it with my browser, but it would be cool if we could save sets to our personal page, like a list of favourites or something. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Can we get graveyard indicators? Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: We got colour indicators (which seem pointless, because well, the entire frame is coloured) can we get graveyard indicators? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Card history Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: When someone edits a card, they have the ability to comment on their change. I think it would be nice if there was some way to view older editions of a card as well, like on Wikipedia. Flavour Text: That way, you could know what I used to have as flavor text here. ;) Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Cardlist display by watermark Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Currently the card list can show/hide according to colors and rarities. I suspect watermarks would be very useful to add another option to displays. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Cards have descriptions? Cost: {U} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Could cards have a way to select a single comment as the cards description / rules clarification / whatever, to be shown in the various grid views? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Cockatrice integration Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Cockatrice is an open-source deckbuilder and gaming table. It supports set import from arbitrary URLs. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Collaboration with MtGNexus Cost: U? Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I've been contacted by someone who wondered whether a partnership between MTGNexus and magicmultiverse is in the cards. Excerpt of the message to the right. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Rare CardName: Colorless Hybrids Cost: Type: Feature request - mana symbols Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I have a dire need of these for my set. I have gathered the image assets for them here - could they be added relatively shortly? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Comments on move Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Since moves are treated like edits by the system, could we have a way to add a comment when moving a card? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Community Ratings Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Would it be possible to add a rating systemto cards/sets - like gatherer does so 0-5 rating with the average community rating visible when you open the specific card's page ???? Would be great for designers to know how well their cards are doing. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Completed sets are invisible Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Not sure what the solution should be here - but it would be nice if finished sets didn't get completely lost and vanish into obscurity; since they would seem to be a good draw for visitors. Currently though, since they have no activity - they're pretty much impossible to find unless you know about them already. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Copy card Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Create RSS Feed Cost: Type: Feature - RSS Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: There should be a way to create an RSS feed on a cardset so you can easily follow changes. (If there's a way to jury-rig a feed already, will you tell me what it is?) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Customise print size Cost: {U} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Could we have cards printable at custom resolution? I dunno if you can set css width:4cm or whether it needs to be done with dpi calculations or what, but it would be nice to be able to get slightly more cards on a page at a slightly smaller than normal size (or support other games where the cards are slightly different sizes) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Deckbuilding Feature Cost: Type: Suggestion Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Maybe add a deckbuilding feature, with test hands available? If possible, even a playtest feature? I would like to try out decks with custom sets but can't find a good way. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Disallow images in comments Cost: {u} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Would be nice if it were a set option to stop other people putting images, either off-site or on-site, in the comments on a card. They can be very flow-disrupting. Optionally allow set admins to do it, but not other people. In no way vital, just an idea that I'm not even sure I'd actually toggle on. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Display list of cards imported in recent activity list Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: Rules Text: My suggestion is for the recent activity list to include a list of the cards being imported (either inline or in a separate page that it is linked to), rather than only the number of cards that are imported. The global recent updates list should only display the number of cards imported. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Draft Feature Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Would it just be waaay to much work to add in a draft feature? Possibly something multiple people could do online at once? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Empty skeleton / blank all codes Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Make reorganizing the skeleton easier Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Expansion symbols Cost: Type: Suggestion Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I'd like to be able to show the expansion symbol. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Rare CardName: Export to Cockatrice Cost: {U} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The XML syntax used by Magic Multiverse, while more thorough than what is used by Cockatrice, is not compatible. To import custom cards/sets, a lot of XML formatting has to be done. It would be great to have a way to export to Cockatrice such that the .xml could be placed in the directory and loaded in with the card images generated by Multiverse instead of the image URL used by multiverse linked in the picurl field. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Favoriting Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Hey man, it would be awesome if we could have a favoriting system. It would be exceptionally easy to do as well, just add a new table to the database named Favorites, with columns for user ID and card ID. You could add to each card's page the number of times it has been favorited as well, with a simple aggregate function counting the number of times that a card's ID appears in the Favorites table. Flavour Text: Also I would love to help with the site's development, it's just that I'm swamped with school right now. If you're interested I can check in again once my load is a little lighter. Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Filter cardlist / VS by mechanics Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: IT would be nice if you could sort cards by color/multicolor/artifact/land and also be able to sort Mechanics. Maybe like the usual Wizard Visual spoilers where you can press white to see only white cards in your visual spoiler! Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Get emailed when things happen Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Let people subscribe to a card, or a cardset, and get emailed when comments are posted and/or edits are made. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Grant Admin to Individuals Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Grant Admin privileges to individuals who are not the owner. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Image background color Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Would there be any way (or is there any option now) to just make the background for the image space white if there is no uploaded image? I would like to print some cards out and draw my own images, but drawing on like a black background is a little tough. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Images for set symbol/rarity Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I should allow people to specify images for their set symbol for each rarity, to be used instead of the current "bold letter in a box" if provided. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Import multipart cards Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It seems since there are no fieldnames "multipart", "link-id", "parent-id" there is no way to use the Import Data feature to import multipart cards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Innistrad Skeleton Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: In the Generate Skeleton Examples, It would be nice to have Innistrad appear as one of the examples. It's one of the few modern stand-alone sets that doesn't have something funky going on with the numbers. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Invasion of Multiverse Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It would be nice to get a battle frame, preferably with both single- and double-faced versions Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Level-Up Cards Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Let us have a nice frame for creatures with level up. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Link to Mockup Image Cost: {U} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Unless I'm missing something (very possible) there doesn't appear to be a way to link to the image of the card mockup. This would be a very useful functionality for exporting sets into software like Cockatrice,, and so on which need to download the card image. The only workaround I have is to screenshot, crop, and upload each individual card in a set to Imgur or another image hosting site. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Link-Only Cardset Viewing Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Basically, "I don't want this cardset to show up on the front page or the cardset list, but I still want to share it with people/allow others to edit it." Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: MSE import/export Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It would be great if I could just import the txt file that MSE put out as all of my card text to populate and then upload all of the images here somehow easily. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Mechanics: offer case / number shift Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It wouldn't be too hard to add a couple of options for set mechanics that allow the parameterised versions to turn "Buyback - Discard a card (You may pay an additional - Discard a card as you cast this spell. If you do, put this card into your hand as it resolves.)" into reminder text "(You may discard a card...)" or "[Exploit 2]" into "(You may sacrifice two creatures...)". Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: More features for advanced search Cost: {U} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Can you please give more features for searching cards on the advanced search page? I'd like features that allow us to search by mana cost and colors of the cards. These features haven't been added yet, but it would definitely help a lot if we can search according to mana cost, converted mana cost and colors because I'd like to see all the WUBRG cards in this website, for example. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Basic CardName: More options in Export Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The export page should offer more options and a way to export a subset of cards. There's somewhat of a continuum between the skeleton, the cardlist, the visual spoiler, a hypothetical printer-friendly playtest slips page, and the plain-text and CSV export. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Multiple cardset admins Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: There's currently no way to allow a few people to edit a cardset unless you allow all signed-in users to do so. There should be. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: OpenID signup and login Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Web users have too many passwords. Don't make people create a new one: let them use their Google account or other OpenID provider. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Password REcovery Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: You desperately need a password recovery system Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Per-user popups with prefs Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Original content lost to spam attack - sorry. It was something like: 1) Allow users to set a flag saying "I'm happy to receive templating advice". It should default to off. 2) Make an info panel pop up on mouseover of a user name, showing this flag's status. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Permission to use HTML: SVG Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: This would finally allow custom mana symbols in an indirect fashion. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Printer friendly Test Set Cost: {U} Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It would be nice to be able to print out black and white cards that still look kinda like cards - no filled borders. Like the Wizards playtest slips we see from time to time. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Purple rarity Cost: Type: Suggestion Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I'd like to be able to make cards with purple expansion symbols. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Mythic CardName: Red flagging option Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Having the opportunity to tag cards for red flag and then quickly look into what percentage of the cards are red-flagged would be really cool for building common cards in sets. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Resetting a Skeleton Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It would be nice to have a "Remove all from Skeleton" or "Remove Set Codes" option if you wanted to "start over" a skeleton but keep you card file. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: SQLite virtual tables Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I think that implementing a protocol/API and a open source SQLite extension to access it (using virtual tables) may be helpful for a few purposes: - To make advanced searches using whatever criteria you want to do. (If you are making many queries, you may wish to download the part of the data first, and then do the query on the local copy.) - To export full or partial data (to make a mirror), including large ones. I suggesting including the timestamp of the last change as a column in each table, so that you can do incremental backups, and do not have to redownload everything each time you want to update your mirror. (You can only download public data, or if you are logged in, your own data too even if it is private.) - To be able to import data into Multiverse, including many things that cannot be imported using this import form. (This would only be allowed if you are logged in.) - To make statistics, such as minimum, maximum, average, etc. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Saga Frame Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I have 4 sagas I would like to make, I have seen that other people would like to do it too but have to just write it on the card. I would love it if it was possible to make them look good. It's really satisfying when cards look right. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Saga Frames? Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I would really appreciate this being implemented, if possible. Thank you. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Same card codes Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: An option for cards fighting for the same slot. Not sure how the skeleton would/should display it, though. Flavour Text: Same card code may go against how you already coded things, but an alternative could be something like "CL05b", idk. Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Save cardlist display options Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Could it be possible to at the very list make it possible to refresh the cardlist display (i.e. to take edit/moves into account) without the display options resetting? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Sealed Pool Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: You know how you can make a booster? It would be useful to make six at once, plus order them by color. Flavour Text: cough Useful for playtesting cough Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Statistics Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It would be great if we could get statistics (i.e. average converted mana cost, number of 1, 2, 3... drops, cardtype breakdown...) This would help to see if there are important parts missing (imho each set contain a green creature 1 drop) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Tagging users Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: In a comment, there should be a way of tagging users, e.g. (((dude1818))) becomes [dude1818]( This would require the ability for notifications first, but this is an added feature. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Tags for easily searching themes Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Imagine I have a minitheme without a keyword (because the text isn't consistent, like AVR's "loner" theme). It's awfully hard to keep track of them normally. If you could put tags, like "Loner Monoblack Sacrifice" to indicate it fits the loner theme, that it supports monoblack strategies, and that it supports a sacrifice theme, for example, it would be a lot easier to keep track of the different themes you have. Flavour Text: Of course, this kinda implies the cardlist should have filters already. :P Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Unusual boosters Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Options for a cardset to have boosters that don't follow the 10 C / 3 U / 1 R/M distribution, or that ignore rarity altogether. If the idea isn't too crazy, boosters with a number of cards different from 15 is cool, too. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: User Messaging Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Apologies if this has been requested before. It can be hard sometimes to have user-to-user conversations on Multiverse, which is more oriented towards user-to-card or user-to-cardset communication. Are there any plans to enable messaging users directly, friend systems, etc.? It's not a huge issues now given the size of the site but it's a nice-to-have. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: User titles Cost: U Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Allow users to have titles indicating what they're good at. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Variant Card Frame Options Cost: Type: Suggestion - Frames Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Would it be possible or sensible to add in meld cards, implemented perhaps as "triple faced cards," so that all three faces can be viewed together? Flavour Text: Also, nobody would ever use this 😅 ... But could there be an option for a DFC that uses alternate frames (adventure, splitback, flip) on its faces?👀 Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Version Control Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I've been pitching this site to my friends as "Github but with magic cards", one pointed out to me the lack of version control. IE all changes are destructive, if someone edits a card the previous version is lost. Version Control would be an insanely difficult thing to ask for, right? Just thought I'd check. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: View Own Action History Cost: Type: Wishlist Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: There should be a link where logged-in users can view history of their own recent actions, such as which cards they added or commented on. This would make it simpler for them to find those cards even when the overall recent changes page might not give any indication of where they are. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: What about Sagas? Cost: U Type: Enchantment - Saga Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I really liked the Dominaria Sagas. I would really like to try making some saga cards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: mechanics page idea Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Maybe the Mechanics page on each set could list mechanics in your set that exist in real magic? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: moving cards Cost: Type: Feature Suggestion Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: it's be nice if it were possible to move more than one card at a time from one set to another. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Sabotage! Cost: B Type: - Concern Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I don't know if cmeister2 is messing around with his own account, or if someone else is sabotaging his work, but his 5 normal cards have become experimental garbly-gook. This could bode unwell for the editable format. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Troll Cost: Type: Creature - Troll Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: We have a troll. Everyone should probably make their cardsets editable only by users. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: & doesn't work properly in markup URLs Cost: R Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: & is incorrectly parsed to & Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: + / - buttons don't work any more Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Looks like an update to Chrome's DOM handling has broken them. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Application Errors Cost: Type: Error Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Frequently getting these Application Errors. On some days it's really bad. Loading a cardset or page requires many tries. If working on a new card, it could mislead you to resubmit several times, thus creating multiple copies of the same card. I assume this server runs on ASP.NET because I only ever see these errors on ASP served pages. Quite often, actually, not just this site. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Broken CI images Cost: r Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Color indicators for two colored back faces are broken. The image doesn't load, displaying alt text that covers the type line. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Bug with question mark symbol in manacost r{r}?{?} Cost: r{r}?{?} Type: r{r}?{?} - r{r}?{?} Pow/Tgh: r{r}?{?}/r{r}?{?} Rules Text: r{r}?{?} Flavour Text: r{r}?{?} Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: CSV Export/Import of split/flip cards Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: This just doesn't work at all. I should figure out a way to make it work. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Card not showing in "recent" Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Cardlist does not work for CwnH Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: E. G. in the set "Cards with no Home" the cardlist ( will not show, but instead results in an Application Error. Maybe too many cards in one set? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Cardlist/Visual Spoiler Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The cardlist and visual spoiler for my new set Fall of Empires won't seem to generate. The cardlist only shows 1 card, Newcard, which was a test card I deleted hours ago. This was a remake of my old Pioneer Horizons set because I lost the password for my other account (Aalter). Anyways, thanks in advance! Other than a few issues here and there, the site is great and I love it. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Cards missing from "Visual Spoiler", "Cardlist" & "Skeleton" Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Not entirely sure on how to report bugs, but here goes. When creating a new Skeleton, assigning cards to a number (Such as CR01) through the Skeleton menu does not assign it to the appropriate cell in the list. Same issue when put manually through the "new card" menu. In addition, if you, for whatever reason, delete an entire skeleton and attempt to create a new one, no new skeleton is created and the "edit" menu remains empty OR creates a skeleton with no headers, causing it to be unreadable. In addition, cards newly created do not seem to appear within "Visual Spoiler" or "Cardlist". This has been tested with both "Active" status on and off in the cardset options. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Color indicators broken Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Seems like some of the images you use for color indicators are either missing or have broken links. See example in comments Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Colored Artifact Frames Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Oddly, choosing the artifact frame in the drop-down menu and then entering a color cost does not automatically color the card with the appropriate frame when using an alternative supertype (i.e. 'Unit', instead of 'Artifact') Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Constant CPU usage on visual spoiler page Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: There's a notable rise in CPU usage when viewing a set's visual spoiler page that has a lot of links to images (as if they were gif animations or something). Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Deleting comments Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Card set admins are supposed to be able to delete comments in their card sets, correct? At least, a delete button appears. However, when I tried deleting the recent spam on my cards, it wouldn't go away. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Double-backspace editing on iPod Touch Cost: R Type: Glitch Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I like making cards. So I work on them whenever I have free Wi-Fi and a free moment. Unfortunately, when I try to backspace while in the card-edit page, it usually (but not always) deletes the last 2 characters. This only occurs editing cards; comments, etc. work fine. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Expand flip card text Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The expand button doesn't work on flip cards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Frequent Heroku errors? Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I've been seeing a few Heroku errors on the page lately. It usually doesn't last, just half an hour or so, but it's a little odd. Wanted to ask about it in case it's slipped under the radar so far. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Uncommon CardName: GW Color Indicator Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Generating a skeleton doesn't replace the old one Cost: r Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: It's impossible to properly generate a new skeleton if you messed up with the first. The new skeleton is not replaced. Lines can be added, but not removed by generating a new skeleton, and deleting the thing entirely will cause the new skeleton to have no header or footer. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Hybrid written as "R/G" gives gold frame Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If someone enters hybrid mana in a card's mana cost field without putting parens or braces around it (i.e. writes "3R/G" or "1R/GR/G", it's correctly interpreted as hybrid, but the frame autodetection code treats it as gold. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Rare CardName: Image size on Random card Cost: {R} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The random card page defaults to the full card image, and allows images of any size. That's unexpected to say the least. Can we set width/height to make them show up normal sized? Or is that not possible, due to split cards etc? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Images overlap comments Cost: R Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Mobile bug. When the card is displayed as an image instead of a mockup, it overlaps with the beginning of the comment field. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Import Data problem Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Import Data has problems importing data directly taken from the exported file in CSV format. Following text is displayed: Flavour Text: Too many non-alphabetic characters in formatting line to deduce CSV separator character. There should only be one, but I found the following: ',','_' Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Line Breaks around Mana Symbols Cost: R Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Mana symbols do not work like word characters with regard to line breaks. (read comments for details) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Lingering Bugs from Update Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The issue with giant mana symbols and default fonts are fixed, but there are still some other bugs. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: M15 flips are broken Cost: R Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: M15 flip cards render improperly, with the rare stamp jammed in the middle of the unflipped rules text, and the flipped P/T box trying to jump off the line. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Uncommon CardName: Markdown Indentation no longer works Cost: R Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Starting a line with > used to indent the line. This no longer works. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Markdown less/greater sign between backticks Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: See card set 3249, detail page 2576. The text contains a internet message ID; if I put backticks around it, it renders incorrectly, so I had to use HTML instead to get it to render properly. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Missing Filter Buttons in Visual Spoiler Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: see Initial Comment Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Mobile card images Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The card images that follow you as you scroll are cool on a desktop display, but they're a real pain to view on my phone. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: My Cards when >100 of them Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: There's currently no way to view just your own cards in something like Cards With No Home if there are more than 100 of them. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: No Planeswalker frame in Visual spoiler page Cost: r Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Card 78352 renders in the normal frame on visual spoiler page and with planeswalker frame (correctly) on the card page. imgur link: Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Nonworking booster generation Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: Rules Text: In card set 10 (Silver Cards With No Home), attempting to generate a booster pack (whether normal or flat) results in saying no cards are available. The other ones that I have tried seem to work, but I have not tested all of the card sets. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Normal users see X on community comments Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: All users get to see the X to delete comments on sets like Cards With No Home, but it doesn't work for most users. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Phyrexian mana Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: Rules Text: You should accept things like {R/P} for Phyrexian red mana; see rule 107.4. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Rarity sorter bug on VS Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: On my visual spoiler page, cards that I moved from my old sets into my new set are all in the common view on visual spoiler, even if they are rare/mythic. Even I filter out rarities that aren't common, I still get those ones showing up. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Search by Frame Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: When searching with a restriction on Frame, selecting Red will include artifacts that are not red. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Search restricts by user even if not selected Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The search restricts by user even if I do not select that option; in order to remvoe the restriction, I will have to edit the URL. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Server-side Cache won't update Cost: RR Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: /cardsets/2580/visualspoiler constantly reverts back to one of the earliest iterations. Card updates roll back on that page and don't reflect the hundreds of edits on pages, including but not limited to arturls, card titles, and rules text. On occasion the visual spoiler WILL reflect the up to date cards, however for some unknown reason when the page is returned to the edits are rolled back. Flavour Text: Clearing local cache does nothing. Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Show new card button at the home of a public set Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The first time I enter a set after just logging in, the new card button is missing (as well as other related buttons) until I go into a specific card's page. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Skeleton Generation Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Skeleton doesn't generate the correct number of cards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Skeleton Issues Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Skeleton page isn't working properly, generating doesn't create a page, nor can one be found once it exists. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Strange Mockup Scrolling Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: When I'm looking at a card in the file, if I scroll down, the mockup stays locked into its position on my screen. for instance, if I scroll down to comment, the mockup blocks the text box. I can still write in it and post, but it's pretty jarring. FWIW I am on Chrome, if that makes a difference. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Tall cards cut off Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If a card has a provided image that's too tall, or if there's too much text on the plain text version, it sticks off the bottom of the page and no scroll bar appears Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Tiny Text Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: For some reason, all cards have started displaying with tiny text that is almost unreadable, at least when viewing on my desktop. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Undocumented limit of cardlist display Cost: r Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Is there a limit that the cardlist can't go over? I've noticed my personal dump set is hitting a LOT of errors when I try to use cardlist display. Almost always I need to reload multiple times before getting the page to load up without a server-side error message. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Unhighlight doesn't clear front page cache Cost: {R} Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: On the main page of strike the earth, I unhighlight a comment, and it goes white as expected. I hit refresh; and rather than vanishing from that list, it is back highlighted. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Viewing private cards errors Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Viewing a card in a private cardset should throw a sensible permission error. But if you navigate there directly (ie without a referer), it throws the "Something went wrong" error. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Visual Bug in Visual Spoiler Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: When using filters only the graphical representation of a card is removed from the visual spoiler. Links to comments and last changed times remain - resulting in "holes". Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Visual Spoiler not updated Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Wierd bug Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: When I select a card to go to its specific page, the card fills the bottom left of the screen, and follows when I scroll, preventing me from seeing the comments or making my own. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: csv importing error Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: importing data causes an error, "Line 1 of data had 1 fields when expecting 2" type line: image,name line 1:,Adrenal Glands I might be doing something wrong again. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: forbidden card move has unhelpful error Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If you try moving a card that has a skeleton card code assigned, and that code is already used up in the new set, you get an error message. However, all information for the skeleton row supposedly preoccupied are those of the set you are moving the card out of instead of giving you even the possibility of directly looking at the other set's skeleton to see what code you can assign to it. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: hide private cardset from the front page Cost: u Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Currently, private cardsets can be listed on the front page as "cardset examples", but although they are functional links, they redirect back to the front page. Ideally, they shouldn't be there at all, really, but at the minimum, they shouldn't be linked. Could there be an option "list on front (and possibly user) page" that can be deactivated, and is automatically so if the set is private? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: "Expand text" only shown if you can edit Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The "Expand text" link is only shown on cards that the current user has permission to edit. It's meant to be visible for everyone. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: "Legendary" in type box crashes creation Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Trying to create in one go crashes on submission. However, assembling the card through edits worked. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: "Special" cardsets on front page Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: On the front page (and/or "recent updates"), link to some of the "special" cardsets: multiverse feedback, cards with no home, silver bordered cards, design challenge, testy. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: "Visual spoiler" pages no longer work? Cost: Type: Bug - Software-Degradation Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I just get _"We're sorry, but something went wrong."_ message page in every set. Or is it just me? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Accessing Safiria acts like I'm logged out Cost: G Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Nevermind, I'm dumb. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Add chaos symbol Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Can you add the chaos symbol {C} (found on planes) to the list of symbols? Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Add the Conversation set to the community sets Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Self explicit Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Addressing comments Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The addressing comments button doesn't appear to work in the new site. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Adventure frame bug Cost: R Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I just created a card with the adventure frame and the Adventure was put into the set by itself as a separate card. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Allow (1) in text in comments Cost: U Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: A way to temporarily turn off symbol expansion to allow OPENBRACKET 1 CLOSEBRACKET as text in comments without it appearing as a mana symbol Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Allow easier card links in comments Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The ability to link to other custom cards with *(*(*(triple parens)*)*)* could be enhanced. Allow *(*(*(C1234)*)*)* to link card ID 1234, and/or uniquely-named cards in other cardsets. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common CardName: Allow unspecified rarity Cost: Type: Feature Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Almost every part of a card is allowed to be unspecified. But rarity isn't. I think the site could handle it if I allowed rarity to be blank. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Artifact cards' meaning Cost: Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Althoug artifact card have a specific meaning, namely "not a valid bug" (duplicate/can't fix/won't fix/cannot reproduce), I think it should be documented on the set's main page just the same that green ("solved") is documented. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Auto Sign Out when clicking on my set Cost: Type: Bug Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I try to edit my set, but every time I click on it, multiverse signs out. Deleted all magicmultiverse cookies, still got that problem. Please help :/ Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None CardName: Bad card url encoding Cost: G Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Link to my description page where the bug is: Hey, I noticed that in a description page, if you have text that's wrapped in a grey box, your script for some reason doesn't like to show card links as formatted with [[[Cardname]]]. I examined the source code and noticed that you're using both
 then  tags.  I tried
downloading source then displaying it locally but I think it
might have problems with the Same Origin Policy or something
because it's not displaying correctly locally.
Anyways, I'm not sure exactly what the problem is since I
can't see your server-side script which is managing these
pages but you can see the  tags instead of
there being links.  I'm going to post a comment so the text
isn't tiny on the card
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Bug With Creating Cardsets for New Accounts
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When a new account attempts to create a new cardset for the
first time, the page loads differently with a dialogue that
helps the user understand where they can upload cards.

However, the "Create new cardset" option on this page is
bugged so that it just loops back to the same page without
changing anything.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Bugs importing from CSV
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I've always had trouble with the "import data" function, but
my current problem is that it won't recognize the separating
character in the import data.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Caching a bit too much
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Cardset front pages, cardlists, skeletons and visual
spoilers cache a bit too much:
1) The admin line of the set views box may be shown or
hidden incorrectly
2) Comments don't show up on cardset front page
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Can't Access my Set
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Well, that's not specifically true. For my Unplaced Cards
set, I am unable to access to front page. This means I can't
see any new comments on the set. I am, however, able to
access the other pages, such as individual cards in the set
and the visual spoiler. My other sets seem to be functioning
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Can't Visit User Page
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When I click on my username, which previously allowed me to
view all of the cardsets I've created, I now just get an
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Can't add basic lands
Type: Legendary Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When trying to add a basic land to Homestuck: the Gathering,
after I've put all the data in, the Create and Preview
buttons do nothing.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Can't create cards
Cost: R
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Creating new cards errors.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Can't edit cards in Safiria
Type: Ongoing Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When using Chromium on Ubuntu 12.04, I cannot edit cards
that I have created -- instead I get the "We're sorry, but
something went wrong" page.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Uncommon

CardName: Can't find this page
Cost: {W}
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: In the end I resorted to google, which sent me to toothycat
via which I got here...
So yeah.  "feedback" isn't the name I searched for, I
searched of "Bugs and Features" (and variants thereof) none
of which found this page.  Should be more locatable.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Can't generate a skeleton
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I get error 500.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Can't remove watermark
Cost: r
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: In my set suvnica, I can't seem to be able to remove the
watermark on cards. The edit registers, but the watermark
remains, even if other changes get through!
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Cannot Log In
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Hi, this is my second account on and
once again I cannot log in, so if I am ever logged out on
this computer I have for the second time lost access to my
account permanently - despite having both passwords written
down to prevent exactly ths problem.
Flavour Text: "Thank you for resoving the issue."
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Card art on tokens looks horrible
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Card backgrounds on opera
Cost: {R}
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Probably not a high priority, but using opera (11.51), the
background colour for lands and multi-colour cards is bright
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Card doesn't scroll with page
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: On Mac (at least in Chrome and Safari) the page for a card
would have the card scroll down the page, covering comments
already posted and the comment box. This update that was
forced has fixed that. Thank you Alex!
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Card transfer
Cost: ?
Type: System update - Suggestion
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Put a copy of target card from a set you own into another
target set you own.
Flavour Text: This would allow set designers to store cards that aren't
quite ready for set inclusion, or to "slide" cards from one
set they're designing to another.
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Cards remaining is skeleton after removal
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I moved two cards from my set Convergence to Infinite
Potential Well. For some reason, they're still showing up on
the skeleton of Convergence.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Challenge doesn't load
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The page for challenge # 038 seems to never load.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Colored Artifact Sorting
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Editing a coloured artifact adds the superfluous type
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Colour indicator
Type: Enhancement
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: DFCs, Kobolds, Transguild Courier and so on now have a
colour indicator. We should be able to do that in Multiverse
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Coloured artifact lands have bad CSS
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Coloured artifact lands don't get the metallic grey
background that artifact lands should have.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Comment on create-card
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When creasting a card, you often want to put a comment in
(much as wehen editing a card) so it would be nice to have a
box for it right there (as there is with editing a card)
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Create card related to this one
Cost: W
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Link to "create a card related to this one", that just
automatically adds a creation comment to the other card
saying "see this card".
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Created and Commented in Activity Log
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Currently, when someone Creates a card and comments on it at
the same time, their comment doesn't appear in the activity
log.  That should probably be fixed...
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Cropping roll-over image
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When the tooltip image is larger than usual, e.g. the
default for a cardset is to prefer images to mock-ups, the
roll-over displays the card image, but (at least for me) the
right edge of the card gets cut off, removing the P/T,
loyalty, and/or mana cost.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Cross-set card links no longer working
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: DFC Planeswalker->Creature P/T
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Cards which transform from planeswalker to creature don't
have a P/T box on the creature side.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: DFC's not showing properly
Cost: R
Type: Bug - Double-Faced Cards
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Whenever i attempt to create a DFC card, i fill out the
creation as normal. However whenever i press either
"Preview" or "Create", the flip side of the card completely
wipes, including name, text, and image. This makes creating
DFC's impossible! Is it just me, or is it an actual thing?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Downtime
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Multiverse was down for 6 days this week. Sorry.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Duplicated comments
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Each comment shows up twice in the main page of a set, but
not in the actual cards. Nothing critical, though.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Easier to search cardsets
Type: Enhancement
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Not a big thing, but it's now easier to search a cardset's
cards or comments. Just click the new Search link at the top
of the cardset views box, next to Recent Activity, and
search away.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Edit Comment - Back - Front Page?
Cost: {RW}
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Hit the 'edit comment' button (the grey bar with a blue
slash, as a side note - those buttons are kinda hard to
guess their meaning) then at the bottom of the comments
field is a link labelled 'back'.
Usually I use my browsers back button, so I only just
discovered - if you use that 'Back' link it doesn't take you
back to the card you were editing, but to
That's surely not right?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: English Parameters
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Is there a way to have the reminder text of a given mechanic
convert numbers given in a parameter to the English word
Eg Mechanic 3 (Draw three cards.)
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Error page mouseover and centering
Type: Bug - Graphical
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: If you hover over a link to a card that doesn't exist, the
mouseover "image" loads from an error page, but since it
uses a centered text box, it has the undesirable side effect
that all the text fields on the existing page also become
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Extra options on hover preview
Type: Enhancement
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When hover previews can be moused onto, a variety of things
could be added there. One option is a button that
creates+selects the (((C12345))) text for mentioning this
card in a comment.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Fabricate N reminder text for N>1
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Fabricate 1 (When this creature enters the battlefield, put
a +1/+1 counter on it or create a 1/1 colorless Servo
artifact creature token.)
Fabricate 2 (When this creature enters the battlefield, put
2 +1/+1 counters on it or create two 1/1 colorless Servo
artifact creature tokens.)
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Filter when viewing Visual spoiler/Cardlist
Cost: 0
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Yeah, it would be really helpful when trying to figure out
what my green commons in my set lack.
Also, I know a little about web development, so I could help
you out with this (hence 0 cost :D), so if you're interested
I do believe my email is attached to my username in your
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Find cards I created
Cost: {W}
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: If you're pushing people into making cards inside 'cards
with no home' - there needs to be an obvious way for them to
find those cards again; and to get comments on them
collected in one place etc.  If there's a way to do "All my
cards in this set" I don't know what it is, and it should be
made more obvious.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Flip cards are still buggy
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Flips into:
CardName: Especially this side
Cost: W
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 

Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Foils in boosters don't link well
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Foil cards try to link to the page for the nonfoil version
of that card, but fail.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Frame Won't Stay Put
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The card frame doesn't stay in a fixed place, and continues
to float down screen.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: From unaddressed page, go to set comments.
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The unaddressed page shows a list of comments - and you can
click to see the discussion.

Except when one of the comments is a comment on the cardset
- then you just get sent to the cardset front page.  It
would be nicer if that sent you to /comments
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: General Discussion Set
Cost: W
Type: Suggestion
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I think a set titled "General Discussion" started by you,
and open to everyone would be a good idea.  Individual
topics can be started by creating a new card.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Gold planeswalkers in IE
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: In Internet Explorer, starting loyalty doesn't show up on
multicoloured planeswalkers.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: HTML <i>here</i> is <u>not</u> escaped<script>alert(3)</script>
Cost: {R}
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: HTML escape in card titles
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Hide mechanic parameters
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Option to hide mechanic parameters in name.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Mythic

CardName: Horizontal cards
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Is it possible to have cards display horizontally - like
plane cards?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Hover over pic too far
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The pic when my mouse is on top of a link displays very far
from the link. Picture in the comments.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Illustration on Schemes
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The illustration for schemes is not scaled to the box it is
supposed to fill.

If it is not perfectly sized the art will look weird.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Inconsistent text size in mockups
Type: Oddness
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: On many cards, the text size in the mockup at top-left is
slightly smaller than the text size for *the same card* in
the hover tooltip on the "User created Cardname" links.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Initial comment doesn't link to card
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When inputing initial comment for new card, the front page
only says " commented on a card" rather than
specify the card. That is, it should say "
commented on ". In fact, this message shouldn't
even show up since it conceals the more prominent fact that
a new card has been created.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: JSON Export does not work
Cost: R
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Tested on several sets. Plain Text Spoiler, XML and CSV seem
to work fine.
Flavour Text: {"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error"}
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Land frame bug with rainbow lands
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: As discussed on (((C41206))): a rainbow land that also says
{W}{U}{B}{R}{G} on it goes black.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Loading gif shows through
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The loading gif is still present behind the image, so it
shows through transparent bits.
Magikarp demonstrates this.  onLoad the loading gif should
be hidden.  (Though onError it oughtn't to be, and the order
of those two being raised varies by browser, what fun!)
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Lower case symbols
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Can we pretty please support {t}?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Main Page links to old site
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: For example, when you click on "Multiverse Feedback". Not
sure of other places.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Make link text for card codes be card name
Cost: W
Type: Enchantment
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Suppose I have a skeleton, and have created card CW01. It's
called "Suntail Hawk". The comment text (((CW01))) produces
a link "CW01". It'd be nice if it read "Suntail Hawk"
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Malware Warning
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Google chrome is giving me a Malware warning when I try to
access the list of design challenges.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Mechanic codename case flexibility
Cost: WU
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I often have issues with mechanics that sometimes are
capitalized and sometimes are not.

I want flexibility here. Examples and multiple solution
ideas in first comment
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Mockups favoured over images
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: In a cardset such as The Oncoming Storm where the default
display is set to be the image, there are certain places
where the mockup is still used. Most notably the hover
tooltip on internal links. I should display an image if
one's available and the cardset is configured to prefer
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Move cards between cardsets
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It'd be nice if we could move cards between cardsets we own.
At the moment you have to delete it from one and create it
in the other, which loses the edit history and comments.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Moving Details Pages
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The arrows to Move Details Page Left/Move Details Page Right
don't do anything anymore.

The one to move right also sometimes doesn't show up.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: My Cards
Type: Enhancement
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It'd be nice to have a global link to My Cards (i.e. ones
the current user has created), or My Recent Cards, or
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: New OGW Mana
Cost: {C}
Type: Creature - Eldrazi
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Devoid (This card has no color).
Can someone add the new colorless mana symbol {C}?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Mythic

CardName: Not-logged-in search page crashes?
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When I go to
not logged in, it displays "We're sorry, but something went
wrong," error. Is that just for me?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Order by submitter
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Was looking for the cards I'd created in design challenge;
doesn't seem to be any easy way to do that right now.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Pinlines on gold flip cards
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Gold two-coloured flip cards don't get their pinlines.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Planeswalker card has power
Cost: G
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: ... and it cannot be removed through the interface since you
cannot return to the normal frame.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Premade Official Keywords
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It would be nice if entering Flying (This creature can't be
blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.), Battle
cry (Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking
creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.), or any other
Wizards-designed keywords automatically inserted reminder
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Preview button for card editing
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It'd be nice if you could preview what a card would look
like from the edit page. Particularly if you're trying to
trim down the wordiness so that the text doesn't have to
shrink so much.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Preview disappears if mouse moves onto it
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: This happens especially much on the site-wide recent changes
page with cards with long names. It ought to be easy to make
the preview for Card X not disappear if the mouse is over
that preview itself.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Preview->Back->Create doesn't
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Instead it returns to preview.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Print without header/footer
Cost: {U}
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The "Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments
| Recent activity
Upcoming releases
New card | Import data | Unaddressed" box still appears on
printable links.  Which pushes cards onto more pages than
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Printable?
Cost: g
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Whenever I click on the the "Printable" button in the Visual
Spoiler, I get an error message, in both Chrome and IE.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Random Selection is Very Slow
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The random cards link is so slow that it often times out and
gives Application Errors.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Recent Updates Won't Update
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: This is probably just a problem for me, but I can't get the
"recent updates" page to update on my phone. It's stuck on
the way it was several days ago.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Recent comments area doesn't refresh
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: At the bottom of a card set's front page, the recent
comments area doesn't refresh to show more recent comments.
This is probably another cacheing issue.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Remove '(0) comments' from printable link
Cost: {U}
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The comments links between cards reduce the umber of cards
on a page from 9 to 6.  Can they be removed?
Flavour Text: AlexChurchill: [10:04] Okay, hacky workaround: in Firebug's
CSS tab, right-click "New Rule", and set ".CardRenderInline
> a" to have { display: none; }. That fits 9 per page.
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Remove some popups
Cost: w
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Some of the popus are not only useless, but obnoxiously so.
Namely all popups on "N comments" links (ESPECIALLY those
under card mockups) and those that appear when hovering on
the card name of a card mockup.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Rotating images doesn't work
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The "rotate" link on flip cards should see which of the
Image and Mockup tabs is shown, and rotate whichever is
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Scrolling bug
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When I view an individual card, it won't detach from the
bottom of the window. I'm using Firefox as my browser. It's
the same thing with Chrome.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Search for strings including "." errors
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: If you search for a string like "test." *(including the
".")*, you get a bad error.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Search in cardset
Cost: g
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Is there a way to search for cards within a specific set?
For example if I wanted to search for Ankh-Duat cards that
mention or make tokens?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Searching by user and cardset
Cost: r
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: If I search for comments by Shiny_Umbreon, I get that I've
commented, for example, in the Aerikal set a lot. If I
search for comments by Shiny_Umbreon in the Aerikal set, I
get no results.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Set Skeleton does not update
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Skeleton Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I just made a new card file and generated a skeleton. The
result was just an unformatted list of card codes with bars
between them.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Skeleton generation is broken
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: "Generate skeleton" gives an error for all cardsets. I think
line 295 of cardset needs fixing.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Skeletons not working
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I make a skeleton and it produces the card codes table. But
when I edit it or assign card codes it looks exactly the
same. Not sure what's going on. I even waited until morning
to see if it was a timing issue and nothing works. Tried
making a new set, too.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Some sets crash with the new site
Cost: R
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Some main pages of sets crash for me. They say something bad
happened and show pieces of incorrectly closed tags. This
only happens for some sets and only on the main pages. (I
can load things like visual spoiler or booster fine.)
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Split and Flip Cards
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Allow us to create split and flip cards.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Split cards on cardset front page
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: On a cardset front page, split cards can turn up twice in
the "recently modified cards" list. There are also scattered
occasions when clicking the highlight / unhighlight / etc
buttons on that page don't work for comments on split cards.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Split-card preview
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When you preview a split card, the second half is removed.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Supertypes
Type: Snow Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Selecting a supertype from the dropdown menu in the editor
doesn't work. It resets to blank when you save or preview
the card.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Temporary set, before allowing set creation
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Might be more toruble than it's worth - but since you often
are saying "Hey; don't create a new set!" - why not have no
2Create a set" link until you've created several cards (but
a "Create a card" link instead, which takes you to a
'holding' set) - and then once you've created, say, five,
offer up a "Create a set (and move your cards into it)"
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Tooltips don't appear if hovered too quickly
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: If you mouseover a Gatherer tooltip (a [[[link to a printed
card]]]) *before the page has loaded*, then the tooltip
won't show, and won't even show if you re-mouseover the same
link after the page loads.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Transform (double-faced) cards
Type: Wishlist
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Wizards have added double-faced cards (DFCs).
So yeah.
Flavour Text: 
Back side:
CardName: Card12416
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: They may be a terrible idea, but now they're part of the
game and we're stuck with them.
Flavour Text: 

Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Mythic

CardName: Unshrink small card text
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: On cards with too much text, it can be hard to read their
rules text. Add a button on the card's page to expand the
text up to readable size (and stretch the card frame out of
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Upside-down tooltips
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: In certain circumstances, the tooltip for hovering over a
card link can incorrectly be rendered upside-down.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Visual Spoiler needs Fix
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Filter options are incomplete and do not work. (Only the
uncommon and rare button show up for me and clicking any of
them does have no effect.)
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Watermarks are on top of card text
Cost: r
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: On Firefox, at least, it seems like the div with a watermark
will be layered on top of the card text, which makes it
really difficult if not impossible to select the card text
with the mouse.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Watermarks on cards
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Let people specify a large image to sit behind the card
text, to be a watermark.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Zero Card Skeleton
Cost: R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I generated a skeleton of zero cards for my Marvel Legendary
set, since it doesn't use normal Magic numbers.  That broke
the skeleton, unfortunately, and I can't edit or generate a
new skeleton.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: expand text hides below-card links
Cost: r
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I'm pretty sure clicking "expand text" used NOT to cause the
text to expand on top of the "Expand text | Edit" links as
it now does.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: initial comments not in recent comments
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Initial comments don't show up in a card set's list of
recent comments. This is probably since they're bundled with
the card creation as a single event in the recent activity
page. They are comments though, so it's appropriate for them
to show up.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: split card affect display of neighbouring cards
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: when a split (and I believe, a double-faced or flip) card is
included in a generated booster, it will somehow cause the
text line of normal cards to become "scrunched", at least in
my Firefox.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Printing with Pictures
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: See Comments
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Batch move cards to another set
Cost: WU
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Suggestion to be able to move all cards that I added or a
subset of such cards by the criteria, from one card set,
into another card set. Although there is a XML export, there
is not a XML import and it does not include comments, but
the XML includes the card ID numbers which can be used to
locally process the criteria and then send the list of card
ID numbers that you want moved.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: How to print physical cards?
Cost: UW
Type: Artifact - Non-Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Anyone have experience printing physical copy cards from
here? I know there's the printable page option but I don't
know how the scaling will work or page cut offs
Flavour Text: Plus the caching issue affects that page too, so it'll be
dumb luck if it's even up to date
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Missing (or badly documented) import features
Cost: UW
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The import is not so well documented, and maybe some
features are missing. Such as, it is not so clear how to do
(or if it can be done; some probably it cannot be done at

- Color indicators

- Frames (e.g. adventurer cards, split cards, etc)

- Mechanics

- Better information about how they should be formatted

You should probably also mention that CSV quoting is
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Search for color combinations & CMC
Cost: W/U
Type: Enhancement - Search
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Allow to search for cards by color combination rather than
just frame color.

Allow search by converted mana cost.
Flavour Text: Especially valuable for site-wide searches.
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: please i just want to see my family again
Cost: wr
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: when you expand text it seriously messes stuff up
Flavour Text: i dont really need to give u details if u click it youll see
how much a mess of formatting it is.. especially on wordier
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Linking Images from Booster
Cost: R/W U
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When I create a booster of a set that contains images for
cards the images are not linked to the card page.

Addition of link requested.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Ability word mechanics unintuitiveness
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: [UI suggestion] Although the proper way to format an ability
word is "*mechanic* --", the mechanics page gives the
initial impression that there is no substitution.
[related bug]Also, if you only put a double hyphen in the
mechanic name and put asterisks around the bracketed name
like so: *[mechanic]*, you end up with a double hyphen in
the card display instead of a m-dash.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Automatic Link Tracing
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It would be neat if each card page automatically detected
which other cards has comments which linked to that card,
and then provided a "Cards that link here" note near the
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Edit Skeleton Row
Type: Feature Request - UI Enhancement
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I really like how you can see the information in a card’s
skeleton row on its edit page, but it would be even handier
if you could update that row directly from the card to keep
your skeleton notes current more easily.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Give Specific Users Admin for a Set
Type: Feature Request - Set Management
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I really like this site and want to work on my set with
friends who I know and trust personally. The community here
seems very positive, but I'm still hesitant to open the
floodgates for unrestricted access to my cards. Right now it
looks sort of all or nothing, and I'd love to see a middle
Flavour Text: Also this is my first feature request card, sorry if I've
done this wrong.
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Templates
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I know your policy on adding templates is to only add those
that are mechanically significant, but I think the template
for Gods that debuted in Theros qualifies as such and should
be added. While the template debuting in Magic 2015-linked
in comments- may not qualify, I think it should be added

I think the text size on the type line should be a little
bit smaller to alleviate the text scrunching issues as well.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: SSL certificate rejected by Firefox
Cost: B/R
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: SSL-certificate only valid for or but not
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Add Team Functionality
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Make it so that you can add people with special privileges
to edit sets, to keep a design team on it.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Admin list
Type: Enhancement
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I'd like to be able to give a set of users other than "set
owner", "signed-in users", or "everyone" admin.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Bad error for duplicate code
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When you try to enter a card in a set with a code that
already exist you get the following message: "The change you
wanted was rejected.
Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access
I do not know whether this message is reused elsewhere, but
could it actually say "duplicate card code in set" or
anything that mentions its cause? It took me a good while to
realise this wasn't just an Http Error 500 message!
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Booster slot options
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Could we get a bit more versatility in the booster slots?
Things like eliminating the basic land in favor of an 11th
common, having a dedicated special slot (with its own
internal rarity calculation) or ideally just having any
user-defined number of each thing.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Card Duplication
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I think having a way to duplicate cards within (mainly basic
lands) and between sets (i.e. not moving them between sets
and recreating them in the original set) would greatly
improve the site. This could be done with either a simple
"duplicate card" button or the slightly more complex, but
still relatively simple, "duplicate card" button and "number
of duplicates" dialogue box for the duplication, itself,
and, then, adding a "destination" dialogue box with the
creator's sets after the original selections, depending on
how you do it, if it gets done, are made.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Indicate when card by that name already exists in an
official set, and link to it?

Lets people instantly spot "Ah, a reprint" as well as "Oh
poo, that name is taken."
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Clearer error for duplicate codes
Cost: w
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: If I create a card with the same code as another one, I am
shown a generic error, something as "Probably you don't have
permission". It should explicitly say the problem is the
duplicate code.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Colorless mana watermark
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I want to add a basic Wastes to my set, so a {C} watermark
would really help.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Comments on details pages
Type: Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Have comments section on details pages, rather than lumping
them all into comments on cardset.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Custom booster packs
Type: Suggestion
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I'd like to be able to make my own custom booster pack
setups instead of always using the pre- or post-M10 setup.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Embedding the polls?
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Expanding flip cards
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I've noticed that when viewing flip cards with a good deal
of text, if I try to expand the text, the font size
increases but the text box doesn't increase properly. In
addition, other fields don't seem to consider it necessary
to move, so they cover up the words.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Give mechanics comment threads
Cost: U
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It's often common to want to comment on and discuss a
mechanic.  Rather than picking a card to represent that, or
having to create a set-page for it; could hey just be given
threads like cards are, somehow?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Global "Official" Mechanics
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It would be nice if existing, Wizards-made keywords were
implemented automatically.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Granting Admin Status to Specific Users
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Heroku Removing Free Tier
Type: Event
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Heroku are removing the free tier of offerings. *But* I was
wrong: Multiverse is actually already on the paid tier of
both database (over 100,000 cards will need that) and server
(but rubbish enough that we still get all the server
So I *don't* need to move to something like AWS or shut the
site down!
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Hybrid mana with one half being 4
Cost: RU
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Hybrid mana doesn't work if it is 4 and one color, it only
works if it is 2 and one color or if it is two different
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Images in details pages
Cost: u
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I know you can use brackets and parenthesis for official
cards or Multiverse cards. But I was wondering if you can
show a picture by providing the URL.
Flavour Text: Maybe I just don't know how?
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Leveler Creatures
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Personally, I'd like to see something that would create the
"leveler" creatures from Rise of the Eldrazi card format.
Hope that makes sense. :D
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Levelers
Type: Legendary Feature
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Mythic

CardName: Lowercase keywords aren't expanded
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When attempting to make a card with a lowercase custom
keyword, the lowercase custom keyword isn't expanded. 
Attempting to make a copy of the custom keyword with a
lowercase name results only in the lowercase version being
applied where it should be uppercase.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Make all cards in a set active
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Is there a way to make all cards in the set active at once
after importing them?
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Merge sets
Cost: u
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Sometimes you need to start over, but you don't want to lose
all the cards...
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Missing Visual Spoiler
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The visual spoiler for Link's Unplaced Cards shows only the
first four cards in the set.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Missing templates
Type: Planeswalker
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: [+1]I see a in the templates a lack of things like... 
[+4]4 ability walkers,
[-1]DFC Walkers.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: More flexible card linking
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: What it says on the tin. It seems to me that it should be
possible to come up with a scheme that allows to cards
without requiring the name. E.g. (((24410::this card))) for
[this card](, if
only because changing (temporary) card names wreck up links.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: More flexible mechanic parameters
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I'd like a way to select the type of parameter and where it
goes within the ability. Another ability this effects is
regeneration (see "comments"). Currently, landwalk has to be
"landwalk [Type]" and regeneration has to be "regenerate
[Cost]". This effects abilities like offering as well. As
for the kicker portion, I'd like a ways to get
mana/alternate/multiple costs into one keyword (see
"comment" for RT coding suggestion). Mind you I realize it
may be a lot tougher than the RT suggestion.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: My cardset kinda broke
Cost: R
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The main page of my "Shiny Umbreon's Unmade Cards" set
(id=477) is all messed up and the pics are not showing.
Flavour Text: Pages of individual cards work fine, though.
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: No color indicator on moon side
Cost: r
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: of double faced cards.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Preview button is broken
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The "Preview" button doesn't give a preview but creates the
card at hand.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Preview text is bigger than on card page
Type: Artifact
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It seems that for card with a significant amount of text,
the card preview will often have text that is bigger
compared to the card as displayed on the card page.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Proxy
Cost: U
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It would be a nice feature to be able to print proxy cards
to play test with
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Mythic

CardName: Search Comments
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It would be awesome if you could text search all comments in
a set. For example when you're done with commons and want to
start with uncommons just search for "uncommon" to see if
you discussed a version of a card that would be suitable at
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Search results do not show P/T
Cost: w
Type: Enhancement
Pow/Tgh: 0/1
Rules Text: When you search for a card and there are multiple results,
you get a table similar to a text spoiler. This includes
name/cost/text columns, but notably not P/T, which is often
a useful piece of information to have at a glance.

Planeswalkers' starting loyalty would do well to go into
that box as well.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Select and move multiple cards
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I wish there was a way to select and move multiple cards
from one set to another at the same time. This would save a
lot of time!
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Selective cardset administrator
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: We are currently working on the revival of Archester,
alternating between MTGsalvation and this site but we are
coming to the problem that every time Moon-E disappears, we
lose the possibility to update here.
Flavour Text: Could we get a way implemented to add multiple set
administrators without allowing randos from screwing
everything up?
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Set crashing
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Since the update, I can't access my set :( When I click on
it, I get a page with bunch of gibberish and "We're sorry,
something went wrong".
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Should not use "post scriptum"?
Cost: R
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: When typing "p. s." in a comment I instead get an intended
"a. s.".

I try to reproduce the error in the initial comment of this
bug report.

The original occurence is on (((C78537))).
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Signing me out
Type: Bug
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: After signing into my profile here and going to check for
comments on my sets I have found that when going to some
sets ( currently just my Misc file, also my largest set) it
is automaticly logging me out. So far I can't interact with
that set while logged in.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Skeleton doesn't work
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The skeleton page is not working.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Sort/show by Rarity buttons in Spoiler
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It's probably been brought up and considered before, but I'd
love the ability to show/hide cards of a given rarity in the
Visual Spoiler, if not all relevant tabs.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Split/Flip card ease-of-use
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: The way it works now, with the frame selection opening a new
selection box, seems to have an extra click or two. Instead,
why isn't the box that says normal/split/flip always
present? It will usually not matter, except when someone
creates an alternate-frame card, when it become easier.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Transform cards
Cost: RR
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I am not able to create any transform cards.

Please Help
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: View cards before publish
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: It would be nice if there was a button that allowed us to
see what the finished card would look like before we create
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Why are some comments pink?
Cost: w/r
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Some comments are pink and I don't know why.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: XML to MSE2 export script
Type: Artifact
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text:

Above is a Export script i wrote to allow you to move sets
from this site to MSE2. I hope you all find this helpful.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: watchlist
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Had this been suggested? Currently if you want to keep tabs
on things, you have to visit each set/each card page you're
interested in. A "watch" features would compile a recent
activity log for all the sets or individual cards (i.e.
your cards in public sets) you are interested in. If/when
the ((( View Own Action History))) feature is added, maybe
you could even use it to watch users.
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

CardName: Different card frames
Cost: U
Type: Enhancement 
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: Stuff like the old frame, PCH planeshifted, and FUT
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Uncommon

CardName: Kicker
Cost: W
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: I haven't tried to put kicker into multiverse since the
migration. However, I'm pretty sure I brought up that one
would have needed to put three iterations of the ability
(single mana costs, and/or dual mana costs, and other costs
[discards, etc.]) into the old site to, at least, Alex via
email. Heck, I may have even posted a feature enhancement
for it [too lazy/unsure to check]. While I realize it may be
too hard to get that down to one entry, I suggest changing
the static selection of "2" in the paraneters dropdown to a
more dynamic "up to 2" as a way to combine to former two. Of
course, that will need some syntax that may be beyond his
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback Common

CardName: Devoid Frames
Cost: G
Pow/Tgh: /
Rules Text: 
Flavour Text: 
Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None