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Unlike many magic sets, ther is no great invasion or war and no Big Bad. The sun is dying and the environment is turning against the inhabitants. Crops fail, game grows scarce and many amongst the powerful have already given up hope and seek an escape. A great project is underway to construct a great portal which will enable the Urthonans to flee to another plane - any plane, so long as it issuitable for their survival. There is the slightest glimmer of hope however. An ancient and long forgotten prophecy dating back to the earliest days of Urthona has recently been uncovered. This prophecy, written in the tongue of a lost race has only been partially translated but seems to refer to the "Darkening of the Light" and something known only as "The Rekindler". A small group of Scholars have decided the prophecy refers to the current situation and has begun recruiting heroes to help decipher the full prophecy. This is, however, a difficult task as the race who penned the prophecy disappeared millenia ago and little evidence of their culture remains. Whilst those in power dedicate themselves to the Portal, the Rekindlers as the group calls itself are recruiting anyone willing to seek out lost ruins of the Nameless race in the hopes of discovering clues to further unravel the prophecy and save their world.

Ice/Cold, spreading darkness, survival, despair, HOPE, adventure, and discovery are the main themes of the set. Snow Mana and Snow Permanets from Ice Age Block/Coldsnap return; Quests and Traps from Zendikar form a subtheme in the set;